Call for Papers

QUEST Research Journal solicits submissions having genuine scientific contribution. The list of topics of interest includes, but is not limited to:

  • Geo-informative systems, parallel processing, pervasive computing, image and video processing, computer vision, artificial intelligence, data mining, cloud computing, network security.
  • Sustainable environment / energy, green energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency and conversation, climate change, environmental economics, water management.
  • Digital signal processing, embedded systems, fuzzy logic, VLSI, wireless communication, wireless sensor networks, robotics, mobile communication, optical circuits, green electronics.
  • Aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, combustion & energy systems, design and manufacturing, dynamics and control, material and structures, vibrations, acoustics.
  • Electrical power transfer, voltage protection systems, intelligent feeder control systems, feedback control systems, renewable power conversion, instrumentation and control, power quality improvement.
  • Smart city, infrastructure efficiency, manufacturing instrumentation and control, geotechnical engineering, intelligent transportation and logistics, urban planning, bridge and tunnel engineering, green architecture / construction, earthquake engineering, ecological construction, urban traffic control.

Instructions for Authors

Registration & Login

Authors need to do the following steps in order to submit their manuscripts.

  • One of the authors of the paper first needs to register at our Journal Submission System (OJS).
  • The aurhor needs to click the "Submit your manuscript" button on Home page or click the "Register" button at the top right of Home page.
  • Author follows the on=screen instruction to complete the registration.
  • After the successful registration, you will be shown the following menu:
    • View Submissions
    • Make a New Submission
    • Edit My Profile
    • Continue Browsing

  • Clicking on "Make a New Submission" will take you straight to manuscript submission section. Please note that if this is your first time, then clicking view submissions will show you an empty archive (as you have not submitted any paper). In this case, you should click "View Site" in the top right corner --> "About" --> "Submission" --> "Make a new submission" to submit you manuscript.

Preparing Your Manuscript

The authors are requested to strictly follow the guidelines for preparing the manuscript to be submitted to the QUEST Research Journal. Not following the guidelines may lead to the rejection of the submitted papers before starting the review process.

  • Manuscripts written in MS Word (.doc) format should be submitted through our online submission system
  • Papers should be typed in MS Word (.doc format) in Times New Roman font.
  • Paper should be formatted in single line spacing.
  • List of keywords must contain at least five keywords ( Single column)
  • Title of a paper should be in 18 points and bold.
  • Headings: 12 Points bold.
  • Author name and affiliation should be in 11 points.
  • Text of the manuscript: 10 points.
  • Length of a paper is limited to minimum 6 pages single column.
  • The authors list should not exceed five names
  • The page margins should be as follows: top-margin=1.2, bottom-margin=1.2, left-margin=0.7, right-margin=0.7.
  • The list of references must be according to the IEEE reference format.
  • The reference may be managed by using or EndNote.
  • The use of the given template is recommended. It can be downloaded from here.
  • The limit of the similarity index as mentioned in the SOP should be given special consideration before submitting the paper.

Trouble Login in or Registering

If you are having any techincal issues accessing our Open Journal System (OJS) please write us at

Review & Publication Policy

QUEST Research Journal employs the double-blind peer review process, where both reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process. Every submitted paper is first reviewed by the editor(s) for an initial scrutiny. During the initial scrutiny, the paper is also checked for plagiarism and the similarity index by using Turnitin software ( In case the paper contains significant amount of plagiarism, it is immediately rejected. If the paper complies with the journal’s scope, policy, similarity-index limit, and the minimum quality level, it is sent to the peer-review. All the steps from the submission to the final decision are carried out via the Open Journal System (OJS) integrated with the journal’s website.

The reviewers’ comments are communicated to the author(s) for further revision/modification suggested by the reviewers. The revised version from the authors is sent to another round of review in case of major revision.

The final decision of the reviewers are placed before the editorial board for final decision of acceptance / rejection. The decision of the editorial board is communicated to the author via an acceptance / rejection email. In case of acceptance, the author is asked to submit the final proof-read version along with a copyright form and the publication fee (non-refundable).

The paper is finally sent to the production after a thorough review from the editors.

Authorship Policy

In case of multiple authors, a person chosen as the corresponding author will handle all correspondence about the article and sign the publishing agreement on behalf of all the authors. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all the authors’ names, affiliations, contact details, and the order in which the names appear are correct.

Authorship will only be given to those individuals who have substantially contributed in the said article. That could be in the conception, study design, execution, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation, drafting, selection of the journal, and agreeing to take responsibility and be accountable for the contents of the article.

After the manuscript is accepted for publication, any change in the co-authors may be reported to the journal’s editor via the Aauthorship Change Request Form. This form must be signed by all the authors, including the person you are adding or removing. The editor will need to agree to the change, and if a clear rationale has not been provided, the request may be rejected.

Publication Fee

Authors in Pakistan Rs. 15,000
Undergraduate & Master students (Pakistan)** Rs. 10,000
Authors outside Pakistan USD. 100$

The publication fee (non-refundable) can be submitted through a bank challan, demand draft or online bank transfer on the title of "Editor-in-Chief, QUEST-RJ" having Account No: 4109542118 at National Bank of Pakistan, Engineering University Branch, Nawabshah.

**To pay the discounted fee of Rs. 10,000/=, the undergraduate & master student in Pakistan will have to provide a certificate on the following template, signed and stamped by the head of the department (for students enrolled in a master program, the certificate will be taken from the director postgraduate). In addition, the student needs to be the first author in the paper to be eligible for the discounted fee.

Download Certificate from HoD


Journal Subscription

for local subscribers Rs. 10000
for foreign subscribers USD. 100$

For subscribing to QUEST Research Journal, please send a subscription request at

Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statement

All the parties involved in the publishing process, including the authors, editors, editorial team, editorial board, steering committee, reviewers, and the publishers strictly adhere to the agreed-upon rules, publication ethics and the standard publication procedure. We follow stern measures to cope with publication misconduct.
Download Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.

Before publishing research articles in QUEST Research Journal, authors declare that their work is genuine, unplagiarized (in whole or in part), and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. They also declare that the potential conflict of interest has been clearly disclosed.
Download Authorship and Contribution Declaration.

Dealing with Research Misconduct:

In the event that QUEST Research Journal is made aware of any allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article (plagiarism, citation manipulation, data falsification/fabrication, etc.), the policy followed to deal with the allegation is detailed in the following document.
Download Research Misconduct Policy.

Policy for Conflicting/Competing Interests:

A conflict of interest occurs when professional conclusions regarding the complete and objective presentation of research are influenced or could be influenced by a secondary interest. Therefore, we require that our authors disclose such possible competing interests. Our policy for conflicting/competing interests is detailed in the following document.
Download Policy for Conflictof Interests.

Standard Operating Procedure

Publishing Procedure

The standard publishing procedure of QUEST Research Journal is summarized as follows.

    1. The QUEST Research Journal has an integrated Open Journal Submission (OJS) system through which the authors can submit their papers. While submitting the paper, the author is required to create an account at OJS which is used for the entire communication following the paper submission.
    2. The editor is responsible for the preliminary scanning of the paper and ensuring that it is neither published anywhere else nor contains a high amount of plagiarism. If the similarity index of the submitted manuscript is found beyond the acceptable limit (19%), the manuscript will be returned to the authors for modification.
    3. The OJS will automatically assign a manuscript ID to the paper. Subsequently, the editor will assign the paper to a relevant associate editor who will be responsible for the entire review process.
    4. The associate Editor will send the paper to the experts of the field for review for a double blind peer-review process.
    5. In case, the reviewers suggest the revisions, the manuscript will be returned to the author(s) for modification as per suggestions. The revised manuscript is again sent to the same experts for final comments, if required.
    6. The final comments of the experts/reviewers are submitted to the Editorial Board for final decision.
    7. The Editorial Board selects papers among the approved ones for publication in the upcoming issue.
    8. The Editor issues acceptance or rejection notification to the corresponding author(s).

Correction & Retraction Policy

The correction and reatraction policy of QUEST RESEARCH JOURNAL is as follows.

The cases of retraction, correction and plagiarism should be reported to the editor. The editor analyzes the reported paper as per the complain and decides if the complain is justified. He then prepares a case to be presented to the editorial board for deciding the fate of the paper. In case the editorial board finds the reports of plagiarism or false results to be valid, the paper is retracted from the corresponding issue and the same is communicated to the author(s). Following guidelines are followed to make such decisions. These guidelines have been derived from the STM Guidelines and COPE Retraction Guidelines.

  • In case of publication errors, a correction may be published in the next available issue of the journal.
  • In case of undeliberate errors from the authors which remain undetected before the publication, the authors may request for a corrigendum
  • In case of the misconduct of publication code, plagiarism, or publication of false results, a retraction note may be added with the paper in the next issue of the joural.
  • In case of publication of an already published article, following steps may be taken:
    1. If the article is not in conflict with any publishing copyright, it is kept intact. An explanatory note is added to the article which is also published in the next issue of the journal.
    2. In case a copyright violation is reported, the matter is presented before the editorial board which may decide to remove the online version of the paper. In such a case, the bibliographic information will be retained with a note explaining the reason of the removal of the paper. The same removal note shall also be published in the next available print issue of the journal.

The editorial board is authorized to make any other appropriate decision not listed above, if necessary.

Open Access Policy

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

Publishing License

All articles of this journal are published under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License.

Copyright Policy

All the articles published in QUEST Research Journal are open access. QUEST Research Journal holds the rights of all the published articles. Authors are required to transfer copyrights to journal to make sure that the paper is solely published in QUEST Research Journal; however, the authors and readers may freely read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

Policy Document

The detailed policy document of QUEST Research Journal can be downloaded from here.