Design Of Lamella Separator For Enhanced Pollution Removal From NED University Wastewater


  • Sameeullah Department of Environmental Engineering, NEDUET, Karachi, Pakistan Author
  • Atif Mustafa Department of Environmental Engineering, NEDUET, Karachi, Pakistan Author
  • Jassica Lawrence Department of Science and High Technology, Environmental Modelling Group University of Insubria, Como, CO Italy Author
  • Asad Ayub Rajput Department of Environmental Engineering, United States Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water, MUET, Jamshoro. Pakistan Author



Suspended solids, lamella clarifier, wastewater


The wastewater treatment process incorporates various settlers in the treatment train such as primary, secondary, or tertiary. The conventional settlers used are not adequate to remove suspended solids and create hindrances in the operation of further treatment processes. Therefore, to effectively remove suspended solids lamella clarifier was used in combination with the existing primary settler at the NED wastewater treatment plant. The water quality parameters analyzed include TSS (mg/l), BOD5 (mg/l), and COD (mg/l) in phase 1 before lamella clarifier installation and phase 2 after lamella clarifier installation. Satisfactory results for TSS removal were achieved before and after lamella clarifier i.e., 227-277mg/l to 87-163 mg/l. Similarly, BOD 5 was reduced from 49-277mg/l up to 35-163mg/l. Also, the COD was reduced from 229-277mg/l and was reduced up to 156-163mg/l. Therefore, the lamella clarifier installed at the NED wastewater treatment plant seems to be an effective technology to remove suspended solids along with COD and BOD removal.


