Prof. Dr. Saleem Samo
Vice Chancellor

Prof. Dr. Saleem Raza Samo is currently serving as Vice Chancellor of the Quaide- Awam University of Engineering Science & Technology. He graduated from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology and completed his Master’s from AIT, Thailand. He successfully achieved his Doctorate from UMIST Manchester, UK and has published more than 70 research publications.

Professor Samo is one of the founder members of Energy and Environment Department, QUEST and being actively involved in organizing various National and International conferences. He also has attended many international conferences and workshops. Professor Samo has also served as Dean Faculty of Engineering of QUEST and Pro-Vice Chancellor of the university.

He also has been continuously being involved in many research based activities, His currently continuing his research in Energy Resources & Environment Solid waste management meanwhile he his expertise in the field of Solar Energy, Bio- and Low grade fuels.